Letters to the Editor Policy
South County Newspapers welcomes letters to the editor of local and general interest to our readers. Letters must be 400 words or fewer, typed and should include the writer’s first and last name, home address and phone number for verification. No anonymous letters will be printed. Letters may be edited for length, clarity and libel. Send letters via email to Ed****@So*******************.com, or they can be mailed or dropped off to 522-B Broadway St., King City, CA 93930.



Families belong together

All who are concerned about the inhumane actions being carried out in the name of this country at its southern borders are invited to stand together at the entrance to King City this Saturday, June 30, from noon to 2 p.m.

We will join thousands of such demonstrations across the nation under the banner, “Families Belong Together.”

Let’s show everyone that South Monterey County and King City does care, that better solutions to the problems created by the entire society over many decades can be found than mistreating the most vulnerable among us.

Susan Raycraft

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