Photos by Michael Ramirez
Gonzales High School Class of 2018 graduates were elated after receiving their diplomas. About 197 students graduated on Saturday. Below, Gonzales High Valedictorian Katrina Cervantes greets her classmates and her family at the 108th Annual Commencement.

GONZALES — Nearly 200 graduates and their families endured a little wind mixed with sunshine at the 108th Annual Commencement for Gonzales High School on Saturday morning.

The Class of 2018 took one last walk together to Dick Force Stadium and exited over an hour later with thoughts of fulfillment and excitement.

Gonzales High Principal Julius Purnsley praised the graduates in welcoming them to the event for their strength for the past four years and especially for this last year.

“This has been a hard year, a year of struggles,” Purnsley said. “A year that tried us, that tempered us, but like forging steel or giving birth of a child there is always some hardship and some pain. This class has held fast and moved forward through this year of struggles of forging, and they made it to the other side. Today is their day. We are here to celebrate them.”

Senior class representatives Mikayla Gonzalez and Elise Banuelos introduced Senior Class Advisor Nancy Hillard and thanked her on behalf of the graduating class for her guidance this year.

Hillard received gifts of appreciation for her commitment to Gonzales High School.

Class Salutatorian Jacqueline Trujillo in her speech encouraged her classmates to keep putting out their best efforts in their next steps in life.

“The pressure of having to know what you want to do with your life heightens as we are handed our diplomas,” Trujillo said. “But don’t let those worries stop you from putting your best ideas and efforts forward. The time to figure out yourself is now. As famously said by ‘Alice in Wonderland,’ ‘If you don’t know where you are going, any road can take you there.’”

Katrina Cervantes, Gonzales High valedictorian, reminded her classmates to make a difference and not just talk about making a difference.

“Now we go on to put our efforts and ideas into the future,” Cervantes said. “This may not be our school to rule anymore, but it’s our world to rule now. It’s time. Time to become new, better people. Time to make something of ourselves, no matter what paths we may take. We must keep moving forward. Walt Disney once said, ‘The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.’ So let’s stop talking about making a difference, and do it.”

Before the diplomas were presented to the graduates, Principal Purnsley presented the graduates to Interim Superintendent Yvette Irving, who accepted the class for graduation.

Irving will be in her interim role rule through January 2019, when the superintendent job will be opened for applicants. Irving could work as interim superintendent until June of next year unless she is hired as regular superintendent.

After the 197 graduates received their diplomas, a small plane flew over the stadium with a banner that read, “Genesis Gomez 2018, You did it, God Bless U.” Although a few, loud fireworks filled the air with a little smoke, the crowd in attendance took the field in an orderly fashion to share hugs, kisses and gifts with the graduates.

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