GONZALES — Measure K grant recipients have been chosen by the City of Gonzales, and among those organizations is the Gonzales Lions Club, which asked for help to fund a vision machine.

The Lions Club has a mission to help children with their eye sight, and with the funds the club received from Measure K, they are on their way. Rosalie Sanchez applied for the grant on behalf of the club, which would like to go into some of the schools and help determine eyesight issues early.

“One of the biggest things for the Lions is the preschoolers and the toddlers because if you catch the problem earlier, hopefully you can reserve it or somehow minimize it,” said Lions Club member Minnie Flores.

The Measure K grant will cover a portion of the vision machine, with the remaining amount being covered through Lions Club fundraisers, such as the Rummage Sale that is coming up this weekend on Sept. 22.

“This is more of a blessing,” said Paul Guzman, first vice president. “The City has never put out this opportunity to get this type of money to fund a program of this nature, and it’s really nice to see something happening in town.”

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