George Worthy

Things have sure been happening fast, haven’t they? No trouble finding all sorts of things to write about. My blushing bride asked me to write only good pleasant things or humorous things and I tried. Honest! It’s difficult to write happy things when our own government is trying to destroy our way of life.

Now if you don’t believe that and you think that the killing of police officers will make the popcorn pop exactly as it should with no burned kernels, then I can’t help you. I can tell you what those never-do-wells… well, I’m not quite sure of what to call the minions of government at this point. Too many cops killed, too many criminals taking what they want from a store and walking out with no repercussions and too many soldiers killed for no good reason.

Of course it should take a serious-minded person to send any of our precious offspring to war, just to prove who the bravest president we have ever had is. I do have one answer. If you are truly brave and strong, you don’t have to do something stupid to prove it. People know. They will see it is just an act.

I have been sitting in my uncomfortable office chair staring at the flat screen of my computer trying to find a way to put to paper, or if you please, fill the flat screen of my computer with something good that has been done by a politician lately. It doesn’t matter what I call it, unless I come up with a honest politician, I’m afraid it will always be about the greed of these guys who just want to fight a war. Fat chance about finding an honest politician.

Have you noticed how all the arguments that usually fill our TV screens during the nightly news have been walking with a spring in their step? That’s because their monthly stipend from the nearest weapon making firm is about to shift into high gear making things of death that our soldiers will use to dispatch any blasphemes of the United States. The soldiers will do their duties. The politicians will always trade in the blood of soldiers that use the weapons that the arms makers make and sell to our government with a little something off to the side for the politician.

We just abandoned an entire country that we helped to exist and all the equipment that we had gave them to accomplish this. When will we see some of those arms turned against us? The president is always claiming he is the best president that there ever was, but we know better. Ask the widows of the 13 Marines that were killed in Afghanistan. I would say that the prez is a liar, but then I would have to tell you that they are all liars. How can you tell when a politician is lying? If their lips are moving.

I was just sitting here trying to find something pleasant to write about. I mean it’s not supposed to be that hard. I just want to write about things that might make someone smile or at least think of something pleasant. Since I didn’t have any luck with that, I walked into the house and the TV was on. I thought I would just watch for a moment while I sliced an apple. Then I couldn’t do that. 

There was a program on TV that showed the funeral of that 22-year-old police officer that was killed along with his only slightly older partner while they were just sitting in their car. Twenty-two years old. He was a father and husband with his whole life in front of him. His wife spoke of his life and how great the officer was with his children and that all he ever wanted to be was a police officer. It choked me up plenty. 

He was killed by some loon that had been let out of jail because the District Attorney was following orders of a Hungarian named Soros. Soros is the guy who has been paying the cost of these crooked politicians campaigns because, as he has been quoted saying, “To bring us to our knees.” I hope the District Attorney that allowed these cretins to go free is satisfied, but I know he isn’t. He has said that he will continue to allow known killers to go free while awaiting their trials.

There isn’t any good to write about in this scenario. So let’s get away from that. 

I also wanted to mention how to handle our American Flag. I wrote about how the American Legion is the approved custodian of a worn or torn flag. Since then I have been offered a couple of old flags to dispose of, and I am working on seeing if some folks would like to fly Old Glory at their homes. Stay tuned. However, if you have a worn flag or one that is ripped or even just faded, give City Hall a call and I’ll go get it and dispose of it in the recommended way. 

While I’m thinking about the American Legion, I want to remind everyone reading this that it is one of the oldest associations in the United States that was formed just to help veterans. We are always looking for new members. You don’t have to have served in combat. If only your father or mother served in our Armed Forces, or a brother or son, you can join and we will welcome you.

It’s notable that the American Legion and Auxiliary offer scholarships to students at Gonzales High School, and you’ll learn a lot more, as I’ll be writing more about all the benefits to the members and to our country. Stay tuned to this column.

God Bless.

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Gonzales columnist George Worthy may be reached at [email protected].


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