George Worthy
George Worthy

I don’t know if other writers run into the same problems that I do. I have to find a thousand words to contribute to this paper every week, so I am constantly looking for a hint of something that you might find interesting enough to read. 

I have little slips of paper stuck in my pockets, on the nightstand and all over my car. These are not words that grab your eye or make you swallow your coffee before it has cooled. They are not filled out notebooks. They are just things that I hear or think about. A lot of the time I sit here and wonder what the three little words mean that I felt were important enough to put on the paper.

This week I have found a problem that should be dealt with, so I will address it here in my musing.

I would hope that you have seen through some of my scribbling how much I love dogs. They are one of the mysterious gifts that our Savior provided for us so we won’t go around without a friend. They are always happy to see you and will gladly share the mud on their paws so they can place them right on the front of your new jeans or dress or whatever. They don’t truly ask for much. A little kibble, clean clear water and some attention so they can be sure you love them as much as they love you. If you bring home a puppy, it won’t be long before you are smiling.

There is one other point I want to share with you. They take training before they can be allowed to roam through the house unsupervised. It is a rule in my house that if you feed the dog something, such as a treat, or fill their food plates more than two times a day, that it is important to take them outside so they can take care of their business. Why is that important? Well let’s just say that you have to assume responsibility for whatever happens.

That brings up my contribution for today. If you take them for a walk, then you are responsible for anything they may do, and do is the key word here. You could even multiply that word to Doo Doo for more emphasis.

We live in a pretty amazing community. Crime is acceptable for a town this size. (Well, I think so anyway.) There is one item that certainly needs addressing. What happens when you are walking your dog? Maybe not while you are walking your dog, but when he or she stops and does their business on or near the sidewalk. This is something that certainly demands our attention. It has never been enough of a problem before, but lately it has become a real nuisance. 

First it is unsightly, it is also unhealthy. It’s not picked up or many times even moved off the sidewalk. They make bags for this, and the City even places some in the parks so children won’t be using this dog manufactured hazard for a base while playing baseball.

I have mentioned this deal about dog waste many times in the past, but I don’t think it can be overstated. This stuff is unsightly and dangerous to our health. Please pick up after your dog. Most of you will read this and say to yourself, “I don’t even own a dog.” If you don’t but still go for a walk. then you know what I’m talking about.

There is one other item I want to address and that is speeding on Fanoe Road. I walk my dog there all the time and I have taken to waving at every car that passes me. I tell myself if I wave they are surely going to slow down or at least wave back at me. That way I know that you have seen me and are taking precautions against running over me.

I remember when I moved here and was serving on the city council, the subject of speed limits came up. There was a long discussion about what the speed limit should be on Fanoe Road. Another couple of council members and I felt that 25 miles per hour on Fanoe “should be fine,” we said. Boy oh boy! Were we surprised by the resounding denial of such an idea. “No reason to lower the speed limit!” the citizens said. 

So, when you turn off Fifth Street onto Fanoe, just use your best guess as to what the speed limit is. I will mention that the police have the right to stop you if you are going too fast for the conditions. If you see me or any of my family, I should point out that the posted speed is 25 MPH.

I cannot close this missal without mentioning how smart my new dog is. Ranger is almost a year old if you count the days in dog years. He is exactly like a teenager at this time in his life. He is wonderful about not making any messes in the house. Every morning Lorraine gets up to let him out. He runs to a favorite part of the lawn and does his business and comes back to the door to be let in. 

In all the time we have had him as a new member of our family, he has made a mistake maybe a couple of times and he felt so bad we couldn’t even get angry with him. Shoot! I can never get angry at him. He has filled our home with love and happiness ever since he came to live with us. We seem to carry rubber gloves and plastic bags in every pocket we own, along with a few treats.

God Bless.

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Gonzales columnist George Worthy may be reached at [email protected].


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