George Worthy

You know I occasionally meet someone who has read my input for this fine periodical. They say something like, “Oh I love your column and my mother never misses it.” Occasionally, I even get questioned about how much the paper is paying me for the scribbling I try to turn out once a week. First I tell them that I really appreciate the comments and ask for the mother’s name so I might mention her in my column. Then I tell them that their comments have paid my salary. 

I saw a scene in a movie I was watching the other night that might explain a little better how I feel about that. The protagonist asked this man who was sitting at the bar with a notebook scribbling something on the pages before him. “Hey! What are you doing? I see you in here about three times a week and you always sit at the end of the bar with that notebook. So what is so interesting that you don’t even carry on a conversation?” The fellow with the notebook closed his pages, took a pull on the beer in front of him, stretched his shoulders and replied, “I’m writing.” 

The curious fellow seemed a little confused. “Well, you must make a lot of money because you sure put in the time. What do you write about? Spending all your time in here?” The writer smiled softly as he put away his notebook. “I write about my life, the people I meet and/or perhaps my response to something I may have seen or heard.” Being a curious fellow, the man looked over and asked, “What do you get paid for writing?” 

The writer says, “I write because I am a writer. That’s what most writers do. Getting paid is nice, and occasionally I do get paid, but getting paid is not why I write.” So, after that explanation, the writer closed his notebook, dropped it into his suit coat pocket and walked away. 

I’m telling you that because I met some wonderful people this week at a reception held for our County Supervisor Chris Lopez. All the movers and shakers that call Greenfield home were there. They all came to congratulate Chris, and because he is a “South County Supervisor.”

Having been born in King City, Chris understands the people. He understands the fact that most of us that live in South County know what work is and the long trek to Salinas when you need something more than is found in King City or Greenfield. 

I was honored to be at his reception, but it wasn’t for my writing skills. I’m pretty sure I was there because I drove my wife’s car while she studied some paperwork she needed to be familiar with as she is a councilmember on Gonzales City Council. She has known Chris for some time because he attends just about every meeting that he can to make sure the children are not forgotten or passed by. He is a believer of early childhood education and puts his time into making sure they have an advocate on anything that concerns him. For me to say all he does for our communities would take several columns. 

The reception was attended by many wonderful people, including other officials. Councilmember Liz Silva of Gonzales, Mayor Anna Velazquez of Soledad and Mayor Mike LeBarre of King City. One of the things that was very obvious is the people that were there, were there to let him know they cared. Chris knows that his actions will be proof that the folks that voted for him are represented.

Oh, I guess that I might mention that the reception was held at the City Hall in Greenfield, where his new office is. If you haven’t seen this office, please go by as the walls are covered by talented local artists. Chris said he chose this location to be available to all South County citizens. Lorraine and I discussed the importance of his choice to put his office in South County. 

Chris grew up mentored by his greatest fans, his parents, who taught him that service to others is what life is truly all about. He had his sights set on helping the folks from South County for many years before his other mentor, Simon Salinas, brought him on board. His parents were on just about every board or committee that they could find as they fulfilled their belief that the folks that really care get out there and get it done. 

If I told you about how hard he works, it would take more room than I have. I’m sure Chris will continue to represent us and I already know he is a great guy.

God Bless.

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Gonzales columnist George Worthy may be reached at [email protected].