Soledad High School’s SkillsUSA chapter took home the bronze medal in dental assisting at this year’s SkillsUSA State Leadership Conference in Ontario, Calif. (Contributed)

SOLEDAD — Soledad High School’s Career and Technical Student Organization, named SkillsUSA, has been awarded the Quality Chapter Award for the third year in a row.

The award is earned by running a successful chapter, including electing officers, having members and competitors meet the SkillsUSA framework and completing community service projects.

Earlier this year, SkillsUSA held its Regional Leadership Conference at Soledad High School. 

“Our school offered our spacious and resourceful campus that offered SkillsUSA students a more advanced, diverse and ideal competitive space,” said Yolanda Hernandez, adviser for the Soledad SkillsUSA chapter.

Multiple students attended the competition on Feb. 22 and competed in support of spreading awareness about the Career Technical Education courses on campus. Hernandez said these opportunities are “embedded to help with their future career pathways.”

Soledad SkillsUSA chapter member Dayana Arroyo demonstrates her dentistry skills. She was awarded third place in dental assisting at the SkillsUSA State Leadership Conference. (Contributed)

Soledad had 15 students competing in dental, nurse assisting, medical assisting, woodworking, job demonstration of floral design, technical math, culinary, baking and customer service. Most students advanced to the SkillsUSA State Leadership Conference in Ontario, Calif., on April 21-24.

“Our incredible students also participated in a wholesome project donating over 100 pairs of socks to the House of Ruth in Ontario,” Hernandez said.

At this year’s Regionals, the Soledad SkillsUSA chapter earned two gold medalists, two silver medalists, three bronze medalists and others that advanced to State. Chapter member and dentistry contestant Dayana Arroyo was awarded bronze (third place) in dental assisting at the State level.

Since 2012, Soledad has attended State competitions due to the students’ “outstanding effort and potential,” Hernandez said. This, in turn, has allowed the school to continuously advance to the SkillsUSA National Leadership and Skills Conference in Atlanta, Ga.

“The Aztecs are looking forward to demonstrating their job skills and talents in the near future,” Hernandez said.

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Ryan Cronk is the managing editor for King City Rustler and Salinas Valley Tribune, a unified publication of Greenfield News, Soledad Bee and Gonzales Tribune. He covers general news for South Monterey County and the surrounding communities.


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