SAN LUCAS — The San Lucas Drinking Water Project Team invites the public to a community meeting on Thursday, March 6, to give an update on project options to improve drinking water quality in the San Lucas community. The Team will provide a follow-up to the meeting from August 2024, including a discussion on updates to the engineering report, advantages and disadvantages of the potential drinking water solutions, estimated costs and timelines, and the next steps to move forward with a final project. Attendees will also have the opportunity to ask questions, provide feedback on the information presented and recommend solutions for the San Lucas County Water District to consider. The meeting will take place at 5:30 p.m. at the San Lucas Union School multi-purpose room, 53675 San Benito St., in San Lucas. For more information, visit bit.ly/sanlucaswater.
SAN ARDO — A community listening session to learn about the next steps in the Active Transportation Project is planned for Monday, March 10, from 6 to 7 p.m. at the San Ardo Elementary School cafeteria, 62428 Center St., in San Ardo. The public can meet Monterey County staff as they discuss improvements coming to the community, including drainage, sidewalks, crosswalks, intersection upgrades, signage and enhanced walking/biking paths. The County received funding from the California Transportation Commission to create safer environments for motorized and non-motorized users and to encourage active modes of transportation, such as walking and biking, in San Ardo. Supervisor Chris Lopez will host the listening session so residents can share their thoughts and ideas. Spanish interpretation will be available, and refreshments provided.
GONZALES — The City of Gonzales is inviting residents to participate in a public hearing with the Planning Commission on Monday, March 10, at 6 p.m. in the City Council Chambers to consider the Vista Lucia Specific Plan Project. Vista Lucia is a master-planned community, comprised of two neighborhoods, with residential and commercial neighborhoods connected by design features. The plan will support sustainable development, cultural, recreational and civic amenities that will lead to active and vibrant living. Those interested should appear at the hearing in order to make their comments known. Written comments can be sent to Taven M. Kinison Brown, Community Development Director, P.O. Box 647 / 147 Fourth St., Gonzales, CA 93926, or email concerns or comments about this project to tk***********@ci.us. For additional meeting information, visit gonzalesca.gov/node/673.