50.5 F
February 15, 2025

Worthy to Print Column: Is the Election Finally Over?

Well, we are finally getting some things done. During this period of awaiting for our President to be sworn in, I have kept myself busy because I already know what happens if you donā€™t have some structure in your life. I now know that...

Window on the World Column: The Fabrics of Memory

It was the 1960s in England. The country was still recovering after the war and things were used and re-used; almost until they turned to dust. Looking back, it was a time of great thriftiness and creativity. Hand-me down clothing was standard in every...

Letter to the Editor: Changing His Tone

Editor's Note: We welcome Letters to the Editor of local and general interest to our readers. Letters should be typed and include the writerā€™s first and last name, home address and phone number for verification. No anonymous letters will be printed. Letters may be edited...

Worthy to Print Column: Weā€™re All in This Together

What in the world is going on with our government? You have a guy that was videoed threatening to use his power to hold up aid to a foreign countryā€™s aid, then getting millions of dollars transferred to his son and brother actually trading...

Window on the World Column: Secret Sisters

ā€œā€˜Tis the season! Join my baking group, send Christmas cheer out to the world, be a part of a Secret Santa, Operation Christmas Child or Secret Sister group?ā€ Normally, I wouldnā€™t go there. I donā€™t have time to be figuring out how to do...

Worthy to Print Column: Better to Give Than to Receive

Whatever you may think about having a day dedicated to our thankfulness, you have to admit that California, with all the problems we all face this year, will have plenty of places to say ā€œthank youā€ for the huge number of volunteers that want...

Worthy to Print Column: Is It Over Yet?

Is it over yet? Can we come out of hiding? You would think that the winners and losers are not put into the same sentence. However, this election seems to have been going on since the last one. Iā€™m not very old, so I...

Window on the World Column: Glass Half Full

With the changing of the times and the lessening of the daylight, I must annually go on self-watch alert. There is something about darkness during the daytime that makes me, well, dark. I can get the gloomies very easily when the clocks fall back...

Worthy to Print Column: Halloween Fun

We have been living through some perilous times. I have heard from my relatives, my friends and even some neighbors. Things are not as they should be. Maybe this election will change us for the better. Maybe they will have a vaccine for this...

Worthy to Print Column: Happy Anniversary

It appears that I have passed another milestone in my life. I have lived long enough to be with my wife for 32 years. I almost didnā€™t make it, but youā€™ll see how it came out. Perhaps you too may recognize some of my...

Local News

Suspect identified in shooting of 2 in fields south of Greenfield

GREENFIELD ā€” Monterey County Sheriffā€™s Office (MCSO) has identified a suspect wanted in connection to the shooting and attempted homicide of two people in...