GREENFIELD — Lavender Creek Co., Monterey County’s local family-run lavender wellness brand, has announced a new partnership with the Monterey Peninsula Quilters Guild, providing locally grown lavender for the handcrafted eye pillows donated to CHOMP, Salinas Valley Health, Natividad and the VNA.
The eye pillows are given to patients to provide support and comfort during cancer treatments and hospice care.
The Monterey Quilters Guild provides comfort care items like the eye pillows and quilts to those in need, supporting hundreds of men, women and children through their Community Outreach program coordinated by the Guild’s Carol Brower. The Guild’s members contribute their time, talents and resources to create these comforting donations given to local nonprofit and healthcare organizations with the goal of making a difference in the community.
Starting in July, Lavender Creek began providing a calming blend of lavender grown on Carmel Valley Road — west of Greenfield — to the Guild’s Community Outreach program. The eye pillows are filled with organic flaxseeds and skillfully sewn into an inner pillow that can be warmed or chilled and is encased in an outer cover that can be removed for washing.

The Guild also crafts eye pillow designs that are available for purchase on Lavender Creek’s website, at farmers markets, and through a growing list of Lavender Creek’s local retail partners and hotels. The eye pillows available for purchase give consumers a chance to invest in their own wellness and supports Lavender Creek’s ongoing work with the Guild’s Community Outreach program.
The partnership aligns with Lavender Creek’s mission to use the healthful benefits of lavender to bring comfort, as well as physical and emotional well-being, to the community.
“This is exactly the type of comfort care we aim to provide, and we are both honored and excited to partner with the Monterey Quilters Guild in support of their outreach program,” said Ryan Hopkins, Lavender Creek’s co-founder. “We hope our contributions make a meaningful impact to our community for years to come by bringing comfort and calm to those who need it most.”
For more information about Lavender Creek and the Monterey Peninsula Quilters Guild, visit lavendercreekcompany.com and mpqg.org or contact in**@la******************.com.