GREENFIELD — Monterey County Immigrant Rights Ad Hoc Committee will host its second “Know Your Rights” Immigration Forum at Vista Verde Middle School in Greenfield on Wednesday, Feb. 19, at 6 p.m.
The Ad Hoc Committee is comprised of dozens of local leaders from the County of Monterey, elected offices, law enforcement, agriculture, hospitality, education, healthcare, labor, community based organizations, immigration attorneys and the Mexican Consulate General, among others. This forum is being held in collaboration with Greenfield Union School District and South Monterey County Joint Union High School District.
“We are thankful for the outpouring of support from our partners who are making these immigration rights events possible throughout our county,” said Monterey County Supervisor Luis Alejo, co-chair of the Immigrant Rights Ad Hoc Committee. “Our immigrant workers and families are the backbone of our local economy, and Monterey County recognizes that they are essential and a vital part of our communities. There is certainly a lot of fear and anxiety out in our community right now, but we aim to organize and equip as many residents as possible on knowing their rights. We want them to know we are here to do everything possible to protect and defend them during these challenging times.”
Immigrant workers, students and families are invited to attend, as well as community allies. The event will begin with a Community Resource Fair from 5 to 6 p.m., followed by the program from 6 to 7:30 p.m. After the program, local immigration lawyers will hold one-on-one consultations for a limited number of attendees. The remainder of attendees can participate in a Family Caregiver and Emergency Planning Workshop held by Attorney Kellie Morgantini.
For the program, speakers will include: Univision Reporter Adriana Federick as emcee, Supervisors Luis Alejo and Chris Lopez, Greenfield USD Superintendent Laura Cortez, Mexican Consulate General Alejandra Bologna, Father Enrique Herrera of Holy Trinity Church in Greenfield, County Health Department Director Elsa Jimenez on mental health services available to families, and an Immigrant Rights Panel with local immigration attorneys Magnolia Zarraga, Blanca Zarazua, Isabel Soto, Watsonville Law Center Executive Director Adriana Melgoza and a representative of Catholic Charities. Childcare for parents will be provided by Greenfield USD.
“We remain a community of hope and opportunity and we aim to stand for our friends, families and neighbors who strive to sow their dreams in our fertile soil and dream for better for future generations of their families. Those dreams are sown here, nurtured here and will grow here like those of so many immigrants before them,” said Monterey County Supervisor Chris Lopez, co-chair of the Immigrant Rights Ad Hoc Committee. “These forums will help our friends and neighbors understand what rights they have and how to prepare for the worst, while hoping for the best. The Salinas Valley grows because of our people, it feeds the world because of our people, and we can’t forget that we belong to one another, or we may all go hungry.”
The Know Your Rights Immigration Forum will be in Spanish with translation provided in English and several indigenous languages. It can also be viewed online through the County of Monterey’s handles on Facebook @MontereyCoInfo and YouTube @MontereyCountyTV.
Additional forums will be held in Pajaro on March 6 at Pajaro Middle School Gym and in Seaside on March 19 at Seaside High School Gym. More than 40,000 “Know Your Rights” red cards have been issued to community partners to distribute and will also be available for attendees at the forums, as well.