Steve Wilson

This is my last Funny Papers Again column for the Valley newspapers, so if you have been a fan over the past couple of years then, well, just read slowly, I guess. More on this at the end of this column.

Last Wednesday was the Summer Solstice, that one day of the year when sunlight reigns and moonlight has its shortest run in the night sky. I have often advocated the establishment of this day as a national holiday but no one listens. It is true most Americans consider the Memorial Day weekend as the advent of Summer, and I suppose due to the general turning loose of gazillions of students nationwide there is merit to that, but still the official first day of Summer is June 21.

With longer days, and unfettered students loose upon the Valley, there comes a plethora of warm weather activities and events sponsored by numerous entities; let us take a quick look at some of these offerings.

On this Saturday evening, down at the Monterey County Agricultural and Rural Life Museum (MCARLM) there is a special treat with the showing of the award-winning musical ā€œGreaseā€ at 8:30 p.m. outside the Museum Main Exhibit Barn. Tickets are $5, and chairs or blankets and warm clothing are recommended; contact MCARLM for tickets and more information.

Two evenings later on July 3 is the annual Independence Day fireworks show over at the Salinas Valley Fairgrounds Stampede Grounds; the day following is the annual parade. The fireworks extravaganza crowd begins gathering around 7-ish, so keep that in mind if you are looking to get a good seat in the grandstands; seat cost is only $1.

The event, sponsored by King City Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture (KCCofC), is a crowd favorite, so donā€™t miss it. I will have the honor of announcing the parade on July 4 as I have done for the past decade and so have a front-row seat to the best entertainment in town; to view this colorful entry array, just show up and we do the rest; no charge. I think I am safe in saying if you want to enter the parade that can still be done; if fact, can also be done on the morning of the event but pre-entry is best. Both Krysta at Pacific Valley Bank and Janet at KCCofC office can supply you with an entry form or check online.

Beautification Week spearheaded by King City in Bloom in cahoots with Waste Management and City of King and volunteers was officially over a couple days ago, but donā€™t let that keep you from ongoing efforts to keep private and public areas as nice as possible. And look for a new mural coming in the next weeks.

Beyond specific events there are city parks, San Lorenzo County Park, the city plunge is open with full schedule of swimming, baseball and futbol (soccer) fields are open, skateboarding and biking, and on and on. I have been in the Arroyo Seco River once this year, absolutely refreshing, and plan on getting in again as often as I can before the days of Summer are gone. Get out and enjoy.


Now, about that opening sentence. There is an adage: The second time you get kicked in the butt by the same mule there are two things, one is that there is no education in it, and two is you cannot blame the mule. Well, I got kicked a second time and I am not taking the chance of it happening again.

A few weeks ago, as told in this column, there was a response to something I wrote which resulted in mail delivered to the Rustler office. The source of the mail did not know me personally; that situation has been dealt with. And now the office has received a call in response to a column written awhile back from someone objecting to a reference I made.

OK, I get that people can find fault, but in this circumstance, I know the person, we often cross paths on different projects or events in the city; after all, we are not a large metropolis. Because there was no request for any correction or apology from either the publisher or the writer, all it amounted to was a complaint and it seemed to me that complaint should have come to me as the writer and not the Rustler staff.

I suppose the thought was that staff are the ones responsible for putting my words out to the public, so they are likely targets of complaint; I donā€™t see it that way. Hell, I am not hard to find so if you have something to say to me, find me and say it; or in this case, because the caller has emailed me before, just do so again.

Now, I should explain that no first names were used, I often donā€™t use last names, so no definitive identities can be made, only assumed (usually with accuracy, I admit). Also, the issue involved did in fact happen, albeit not with the person who called to complain.

Nonetheless, the point is I will not have anyone hassled due to something I do or say or write. Also, I have experienced this before when one prominent person raises issue then things snowball and comments, complaints and ill feelings permeate the social atmosphere, and that just does not need to happen on account of a few words in a newspaper whether accurate or not. And, if such ill feelings do occur, it will no longer be on account of my words.

It has been a pleasure to put out this drivel on a weekly basis, and to those who have read and enjoyed the column, I thank you for your kind comments. And to Ryan and Jeanie and all the staff at the Rustler and Salinas Valley Tribune, thanks for the opportunity.

Take care. Peace.

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King City and Greenfield columnist Steve Wilson may be reached at [email protected].


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