GONZALES — Speed limits in Gonzales could be in for some updates as the City Council met Aug. 20 about lowering them.

According to City Manager Rene Mendez, the idea of lowering speed limits arose from the city’s need to update its speed limits throughout the community. The City had to hire an engineer to survey traffic, put together a report on the survey results, present it to the city and the police chief, who would then look at the recommendations and present options to the City Council.

“Alta Street from 10th to C Street was 30 miles per hour, now will go down to 25,” Mendez said.

On C Street, going south to Gloria Road had a recommended speed of 45 miles per hour, and city staff is recommending a change from C Street to the City Well of 25 mph.

The City is also looking at Fanoe Road and Harold Parkway, which has a current speed limit above 25 mph and was recommended to come down from 35 mph to 25 mph due to blind intersections and its location.

The City Council approved the first reading of the ordinance by title only and set a date for a public hearing on Sept. 4.

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