Photos by Samantha Bengtson/Gonzales Tribune
Gonzales Explorers march into position during the Memorial Day ceremony.
GONZALES — American flags flew May 28 as the community of Gonzales honored its veterans who lost their lives in World Wars I and II, Korean War, Vietnam War and the War on Terror.
The Memorial Day ceremony began with an introduction from American Legion Post 81 followed by a prayer. The special guest speaker for the Gonzales ceremony was Joni Madolora.
“The men and women who gave their lives in service to this nation are indisputably heroes. When the nation called, they answered,” Madolora said.
She said there are still more than 82,000 military personnel missing in action from every conflict since World War II.
Deceased veterans who fought in Vietnam War and have their names placed on the Vietnam Memorial in Washington, D.C., were also honored and the names of the local soldiers were called, such as Cpl. Peter Frank Cruz, First Battalion 26th Marines Walter Francis Skinner, Cpl. Company C Third Battalion 47th Infantry Ninth Division U.S. Army Rudolfo “Rudy” Serrano and Cpl. Company A 50th Infantry 101st Airborne Division Juan J. Demara.
Members of the Soledad High School NJROTC presented the colors during the ceremony and the Gonzales Explorers Post 81 were also present.