George Worthy
George Worthy

Wow! Things are sure happening fast. By things I mean politics and the folks that claim that they are politicians. I just sat down to write my column this week and started getting a little concerned. I might point out that if you aren’t concerned, something is wrong. Not you, but the information that you have.

A politician, according to my girl Siri, is a person that gives speeches and works with other politicians to run our country. They seem to advertise who they are and not what they have done for the country. They have lulled us into forgetting the past and to ignore the future. They will take care of the future.

I have been reading quite a bit lately, and what I have read is disturbing. Since I made my life as one that follows our leaders in time of war and peace, I think what I might have to say is at least worth reading. I am truly frightened concerning the future of the United States of America.

Our country is broke. No, I don’t mean that it is broke like a tool breaks. I mean it is practically out of money and it continues to spend as if they, who spend the money, get a prize for who can spend the most. You see 40 cents of every dollar spent by the government is borrowed.

OK, no more dwelling on the future. I have been watching too much television.

It looks as though we have an election coming up this year. Have you heard about it? No, I’m not going to tell you whom to vote for. I figure if you are old enough to read this, you already have a good idea of who will get your vote. I personally will probably borrow a Ouija board and take a chance. If you have read my column before, then you know I am a very conservative man.

Oh! There is one recommendation I will offer. In addition to all the politicians running this year, I noted one name that I am familiar with. Adam Schiff is running for the seat formerly held by Diane Feinstein. Yes, she was a Democrat and normally I wouldn’t have a position on her time in the Senate. But I remember how she eventually became a Senator. It was a very sad story I won’t bore you with. She did fine representing California for many years, but in my opinion should have left sooner than later.

The reason I even bring her up is because of the scoundrel who is trying to get elected to her seat. This man Adam Schiff is a true scoundrel. I have seen him tells lies on the committee he besmirched. I don’t mean little lies, but constant lies that caused the other members of that committee to call him out. He is a weasel and should never be allowed to be in a position that could possibly harm this nation. Again, in my opinion, if he is elected it will be a dark day in California. What happened to back-and-forth debate between two parties? California has an overload of democrats. Let’s give Steve Garvey a shot.

I suppose that there are readers who wonder why I leave the positive position I usually inhabit. I don’t blame you. I guess it would be better to try and leave you with a smile. I guess it is all brought out by my reading habits. Since our country has been going though some tough times, I started reading the history of the Second World War. That was also truly a tough time for us.

Thanks to the men and women who sacrificed so much for us, we became stronger than ever, but it was a cost I hope we never have to suffer again. A lot of folks are probably like me. We know we won the Second World War, but we have allowed ourselves to be lulled into complacency.

Our U.S. Army was 44,000 short of recruits this past year, and there is no magic Santa sleigh that will bring people to start filling those slots. That was just the Army. We also have a Navy and Air Force to protect us from the galloping hordes that want above all to bring us to our knees.

We have allowed our borders to be breeched with folks that just don’t like us, or even worse, those who want us to slink into oblivion. I’m not talking about those who are seeking a better life for themselves and their families. I too would be in line to slink into our homeland. However, there are many that do not believe as we do. I won’t try to explain that to you. I’m sure there are arguments supporting their ideas, but remember we aren’t trying to convert anyone or threaten their homelands.

Alas, I am shouting into the wind. The editor of this periodical has a tough job without someone shouting at him to quiet my words. Remember this is MY OPINION.

I am a former American soldier from the top of my receding hair line to my flat feet that were sacrificed for others. My wife is the daughter of those who sought a life where perhaps they could provide her with greater fortunes in a country where you are encouraged to succeed. I have children and grandchildren and even a great-grandson. My life is full and I owe all I have to those men who stormed the beaches of Europe.

People are unaware of how close the world was to being controlled by a despot who killed millions because of their religion. Does America make mistakes? Heck yeah we do. Look at how close we are to being broke by spending more than we have. But we have ways to change things. As flawed as it is, the ballot box is a peaceful way to change the direction of our country. Remember “We the People” have the power, not the politicians.

God Bless.

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Gonzales columnist George Worthy may be reached at [email protected].


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