George Worthy

I know we have a few more weeks to go, but I have to write when I have a thought or the week is lost. I thought this might be a good chance to discuss the season and some of the things that make this holiday special.

As you all know, while I was growing up I had a pretty modest Christmas when I was living at home. My dad, like a lot of farmers that worked for someone else, worked the day before Christmas and the day after, but usually got to have Christmas at home with his family if there wasnā€™t any water running that had to be watched or changed. 

We always lived in a house that was owned by the farmer my dad worked for; it didnā€™t matter because it was all we had ever known. Oh, I had friends that lived in town and had decorations on their lawns. I was never made to feel that my family was short on money. 

I donā€™t remember how Pop got the money for any of the gifts that we received. For some reason, it didnā€™t matter. The bicycle my little brother got that special Christmas was the biggest gift ever left to us by Santa. The fact that I also got a bike was like a gift from a greater power. Iā€™m pretty sure that I have written about that special Christmas and how it changed my life. I never doubted Santa Claus again.

This Christmas will be one of the best ones of my life as my heirs, my children, are healthy, happy and have good jobs. As for my lovely bride, she continues to make my life complete and always makes me proud just walking down the street together.

She is a volunteer for many things in our city and makes me proud for that too. With her background in event planning, she volunteers her time to be the scheduler for the American Legion Post. She also volunteers for the American Legion Auxiliary, and this year the city had a tree decorating contest. Lorraine and the other members had the wonderful idea to decorate their Christmas Tree right by the Post Office and call it the ā€œTree of Remembrance.ā€

The gold stars on the tree have the names of the women who were former American Legion Auxiliary members and are now deceased. These women were the pioneers of the Gonzales American Legion Auxiliary who led by example. The blue, gold and red colors represent the American Legion Auxiliary, whose members serve veterans, community and God.

There are many things done by these ladies for our town and their deeds are not heralded but make our town what it is. A home that is as welcoming as any in the world. They are volunteers that ask for nothing but give of themselves. In case you are curious they are related, in some way to the members of the American Legion, so you know they care about our town and the citizens that make it a small town with big town volunteers. If you know one of these ladies, please say hello and know what they give for our community.

At this time of the year when tradition and desire dictate the actions of our military, there are yet others that are giving for their towns and families. They are being sent to far lands to support others that believe in our way of life. It is a terrible thing to be away from your family during hostilities. These are also volunteers that joined the military to help our country and they are committed to the Commander in Chief to assist our allies. During this time we need to think about the men and women who serve. This brings me to give a shout to another organization who is dedicated to our military.

Blue Star Mothers of America is a non-partisan, non-political, non-sectarian organization. They consist of mothers, step mothers, grandmothers, foster mothers and female legal guardians who have children serving in the military, guard or reserves, or children who are veterans. They support each other and their children while promoting patriotism. These women send care packages over seas, celebrate birthdays of soldiers who live away from home and send love and support.

Christmas is always a time of great reflection and a time where most of us open our hearts and wallets. But donā€™t forget what is happening all over the world, and even here. You see I have the past to examine and to reflect. The wars are different, but the politicians never change. I spent three years in a war that should never have been started. Men who thought they knewā€¦well, they knew not, the real reason. We keep finding out new details, and yet we keep making the same mistakes. Iā€™m not going to get into the decisions of folks who feel they have the answers. I live in Gonzales, if I want to know the answer I ask my wife.

These are the days of love and forgiveness. This is the celebration of our Savior. My prayers always start with His name. It is difficult to understand how things are allowed to persist. Iā€™m sure there is a plan. It may not be your plan, it may not be my plan, but as the sun rises in the east I will try to follow His plan. One of my prayers is that the ones who make decisions listen to their own thoughts. It is not for me to say who is right. Godā€™s plan always makes itself clear in the end. 

I proposed the aforementioned to my lovely bride and she responded with a smile. I canā€™t be too wrong, can I? My hope for you my dear readers is that you find peace, hope, joy and love.

God Bless.

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Gonzales columnist George Worthy may be reached at [email protected].


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