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GONZALES — Gonzales High School girls tennis team completed the season by participating in the Mission Trail Athletic League Singles and Tournament on Nov. 1.

The Spartans took part in the tournament with two singles players and two doubles teams. Competing for Gonzales were: Athena Landeros and Bianca Sanchez (singles); and the doubles teams of Adilenne Ramirez and Valeria Reyes, and the team of Isabel Mendoza and Elizabeth Arreola.

Gonzales head coach Rene Mendez was pleased with the efforts of his players at the MTAL tournament in singles and doubles play.

“Athena Landeros was our number one player all year and this was her first year playing singles and she represented and player very well,” said Mendez. “She never backed down and unfortunately drew one of the best players in the first round. Bianca Sanchez was the only senior on the team and was really nervous in the first set but played significantly better in the second set. She was our most consistent player all year and ended her high school tennis career with her head held high knowing she had left it all on the court. Adilenne Ramirez and Valeria Reyes played really well. They had points almost every game and just could not quite break through. Both Isabel (Mendoza), and Elizabeth (Arreola), played two and three singles all year and improved tremendously, so we are really looking forward to next year.”

Mendez is optimistic that the Spartan tennis program can be a better team next year with the experience gained this season.

“With only one senior, we had a very young team,” said Mendez. “Our top four played singles for the first time this year. Our doubles teams gained a lot of valuable experience, especially our #3 doubles team. Overall the team improved throughout the year and we are really looking forward to next year after we get realigned into a more competitive group of teams.”

On Nov. 11 the Gonzales tennis team held an awards night and dinner at the Toots Vosti Recreation Center in Gonzales. Special guests at the event were Gonzales Mayor Maria Orozco, Assembly Member Anna Caballero, and Director of Student Affairs for Hartnell College, Bronwyn Moreno.

“Every year I invite successful women leaders to speak to the girls and share their story,” said Coach Mendez. “This year I had Maria Orozco, Anna Caballero, and Bronwyn Moreno present to the girls. All three provided very powerful and moving messages to the girls about what they achieve, accomplish, and about overcoming adversity. The reason I do this is because high school sports while fun and important, what they learn along the way about themselves, team work, working hard, winning and losing with grace and dignity, and giving their best regardless of the outcome will last a lifetime. Every year I try to present them successful women as role models in the hopes that they are inspired and can see themselves and what is possible.”

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