News Briefs
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SALINAS — Monterey County Works is gearing up for more job fairs this month with local employers. The job fairs will take place on Wednesdays, March 12 and 26, at Monterey County Works’ Salinas Career Center at 344 Salinas St. in downtown Salinas, upstairs in suites #205-206, from 1 to 4 p.m. Jobseekers needing assistance registering for upcoming events are encouraged to reach out to the Salinas Career Center at 831-796-3335. To register and learn more about these events, visit


KING CITY — King City Police Department will host a community meeting on Wednesday, March 19, to discuss the annual Military Weapons Report. The meeting will detail weapons currently in the inventory of the department that meet the description of military weapons as defined in Government Code section 7070. The information will include how these weapons were utilized in the prior year, expenses associated to the purchase, use and maintenance of these weapons and any plans for the acquisition of new weapons meeting the description of military weapons. The meeting takes place at 5:30 p.m. in the King City Council Chambers, located at 212 S. Vanderhurst Ave. in King City.


MONTEREY COUNTY — From Jan. 1 to Feb. 28, firefighters in the Cal Fire San Benito-Monterey Unit responded to 1,335 calls for service, including eight vegetation fires that have burned a total of 29.84 acres year-to-date. One of Cal Fire’s key goals is to contain 95% of vegetation fires to 10 acres or less, helping to protect communities and natural resources. “Thanks to proactive fuels reduction efforts and rapid response from our crews, we are working hard to meet this standard and keep wildfires small,” stated Cal Fire BEU on March 5. “Thank you to our firefighters and partners for their dedication and to the community for staying fire-aware.”


CARMEL VALLEY — The County of Monterey announced that a tree-trimming project on Carmel Valley Road began on March 10. The work is taking place on Carmel Valley Road between Garland Ranch Regional Park and Cachagua Road. The project will take about three-and-a-half weeks and is expected to be complete by March 31. The work to be done includes removing low-hanging tree branches that impede truck traffic. Work will occur during the day between the hours of 7 a.m. and 3 p.m. Traffic control measures, such as one-way moving traffic, will be implemented during this time. West Coast Arborist is performing the work.

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Ryan Cronk is the managing editor for King City Rustler and Salinas Valley Tribune, a unified publication of Greenfield News, Soledad Bee and Gonzales Tribune. He covers general news for South Monterey County and the surrounding communities.


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