October is a great month. We have Halloween, which is a dentist’s dream; my son’s birthday; my daughter’s birthday; my wife’s birthday is also in October as well and not to be forgotten at all costs; it’s also my wedding anniversary. OK, so it’s not a great month for me personally, wallet wise. It is also Breast Cancer Awareness month. I don’t think there is one family in this whole valley that hasn’t been touched by cancer. It is the most insidious disease to ever be placed on earth. I guess Ebola is worse, but I also don’t know anyone ever stricken with that terrible scourge.

I keep thinking I’m going to wake up one morning and find someone has perfected a cure for cancer. My mom, my brother and I all had cancer. I hated to see my mom, the champion of the underdog, wither away from breast cancer. She also had a bad heart and so the doctors wouldn’t operate. I’m sure some of you reading this know someone that also was called before their time due to cancer, but before they went they became someone you barely knew.

It’s easy enough to complain, but perhaps I should do something about the situation. Well, it’s not me who is doing something about it. It is my bride; the lovely candidate Lorraine. She and the world famous Stephanie McFarland of McFarland Wines mulled over an activity that would raise some money to fight this dangerous malady. It seems that Claudia Pizarro-Villalobos, director of marketing and culinary for D’Arrigo California, had a similar idea and she had been working on it for a long time.

Claudia had noticed that the labels on the D’Arrigo California were pink as was the color of most ribbons worn by those who were working hard to rid the world of breast cancer. It just so happened that the label on the new Prismatic wine from McFarland was also pink. In a three-way conversation, it was decided that they would do something together to raise money for the Breast Cancer Research Foundation (BCRF).

What better way than to combine the fresh vegetables of D’Arrigo with the wine of McFarland and have a little soirée?

With the ladies from McFarland and the energy and dedication of Claudia working together, it became a reality. I should point out that Stephanie had been donating 10 percent of sales of all Prismatic wine and every year she would personally match the 10 percent of sales. D’Arrigo has been dealing with BCRF for almost 20 years and this will hit almost $2 million in donations to BCRF.

Oct. 3 is the date and it will be held at the beautiful grounds of D’Arrigo California offices on Harris Road. There will be five wineries from the Santa Lucia Highlands AVA.

Showcasing their wines and various restaurants that will also be in attendance offering one place to “Sip Bite and Turn Up the Pink.”

I have been assured that this will be a great time and an opportunity to see old friends and meet new ones. The tickets are only $40, and 75 percent of every ticket will be donated to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation.

Now here is the scoop on tickets: go online to www.eventbrite.com and use the title “Sip Bite and Turn Up the Pink.”

D’Arrigo’s offices are at 21777 Harris Road, although if you drive down Harris Road off Abbott, you can’t miss it. 

Truth be told, I’m not crazy about October. It is the beginning of shorter days and cold evenings. I have to say, I’m not going to miss these hot days. I was about to go to town and buy an air conditioner as the nights were too hot to sleep. The only thing that stopped me was not having enough money. I know that is a weak excuse.

Heck, everyone has a hard time with money, but my house was not built for an air conditioner. We do have a bunch of evaporator fans, but if it is this hot next year I’m going to change the water in my hot tub to cold.

I hope you have a great week. I’ll look for you Oct. 3 at D’Arrigo’s place. I’ll even buy you a glass of wine. (Just kidding, it’s all part of the ticket.) Until then…

God Bless.

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