CENTRAL COAST — Gov. Gavin Newsom has announced a major statewide economic initiative designed to spur growth, innovation and access to good-paying jobs.
The California Jobs First Economic Blueprint is a first-of-its-kind investment into bottom-up, regional economic planning. Recognizing the unique diversity of regions across the state, the Blueprint incorporates 13 regional strategies to guide the state’s investments in key sectors to drive sustainable economic growth, innovation and access to good-paying jobs over the next decade.
The tri-county Monterey Bay region is part of the Central Coast region; Monterey Bay Economic Partnership (MBEP) serves as a regional convenor.
The Blueprint is paired with $125 million in funding to support new, ready-to-go projects, $15 million for economic development projects for California’s Native American tribes, $13 million to support the economic recovery and small businesses in the Los Angeles region, and $92 million in funding for new apprenticeship and jobs programs.
The California Jobs First Economic Blueprint guides the state’s investments in key sectors to drive sustainable economic growth, innovation, and access to good-paying jobs over the next decade. Made up of 10 strategic industry sectors, this framework will help streamline the state’s economic, business and workforce development programs to create more jobs, faster.
“California’s economic dominance and success is grown locally, with the contributions of each diverse region of our state. From agriculture to clean energy to film to every industry in between, our Golden State owes its success to the people, communities, and industries that make it work. I am proud of the collaborative work of Californians from every region who developed this statewide Economic Blueprint,” said Newsom in the Feb. 26 announcement.
For the past three years, Monterey Bay Economic Partnership has been deeply invested in the development of a community-led and regionally-specific economic strategy for the region as a regional co-convenor and partner in Uplift Central Coast, a six-county California Jobs First coalition working to attract investment and expand opportunities for Central Coast residents with partners EDC and REACH.
As one of the 13 regions identified in the California Jobs First Economic Blueprint, Uplift’s comprehensive Regional Plan Part II report outlines a strategic framework to inspire actions to create quality jobs, with an emphasis on uplifting those from disinvested communities. Strategies outlined in the Regional Plan Part II fall into four main categories: target sector, economic mobility, climate resilience through economic and workforce, and community development strategies to increase the presence of quality of jobs and enhance the quality of life for current and future residents of the Central Coast.
The Uplift Central Coast plan outlines significant opportunities for quality job creation in precision manufacturing and advanced business services and enhancing job quality in the region’s prominent hospitality and tourism, agriculture and healthcare sectors.
“The California Jobs First Economic Blueprint is an important step towards a more resilient economy, one that truly embraces and uplifts the unique strengths and opportunities of the Central Coast,” said MBEP President and CEO Tahra Goraya. “The strategies outlined in our regional plan for the Central Coast specifically highlight the opportunities within our dominant sectors of agriculture, hospitality/tourism and healthcare, as well as promising sectors in precision manufacturing and advanced business services.”
The tri-county Monterey Bay region is especially poised in leading AgTech and Advanced Air Mobility through Monterey Bay Tech Hub.
“MBEP is proud to be one of the co-founders and co-convenors of these economic development initiatives that we hope will transform our communities by strengthening our employers and our workforce for future-facing jobs,” Goraya added. “This process has truly been a labor of love that involved countless community residents, government and industry leaders with the goal of creating, attracting and increasing good-paying jobs for shared prosperity.”
MBEP has been working for 10 years at the intersection of government, industry and community to build shared economic prosperity. It recently secured the Economic Development District (EDD) designation for the tri-county area of Santa Cruz, Monterey and San Benito counties, the U.S. Economic Development Administration’s first new EDD designation in the state of California in 15 years. An EDD will allow the tri-county region to advance its economic development goals and enhance regional coordination and funding opportunities.
“Monterey Bay Economic Partnership and Uplift Central Coast will continue to advance job creation and workforce preparedness strategies as part of inclusive, sustainable economic development strategies, in partnership with our regional, state and federal leaders, community members and local stakeholders, to help our communities not only survive, but thrive,” stated MBEP.