Steve Wilson

We are now nearly two weeks into Fall, the equal hours of day and night took place Sept. 23 and will daily see the hours of darkness increase while, alas, daylight will lessen. We now fall head long into the what is known as The Holiday Season. Again. I stress “again” because didn’t we just do this? With all that has happened in our lives, in my life, in the past 12 months I still can’t get my head wrapped around the idea that decorations for Halloween and Dia de los Muertos are already appearing, and not just in stores but on residences. Where did the time go?

I fully realize this lamentable question is asked mostly by those over 40 years of age and even by some younger. The young and very young with all the highs and lows, victories and defeats, joy and angst either enjoyed or endured by those still in school or in the early days of adulthood do not experience the passage of time as we older folks do; for them emotional life ticks by incrementally, for us the days all to run together until we are seemingly right back where we started on the calendar where only the year has changed.

This opposing view of tempest fugit is not backed by any social or psychological theory I know of personally; but most people I know agree with it nonetheless. I witnessed this phenomenon just other day at “The Nutcracker Ballet” rehearsal when Kelly, a long-time member of the troupe who moved on upon graduation from high school, came in the studio to perform as a guest. Two of us senior citizens had last seen Kelly in March at a studio function, her last as a troupe member, so we both greeted her with a smile and a hello. After all, we just saw her a while ago, couple months was all; but a small contingent of young dancers rushed up to her with the same hugs one might give to a family member returned from a decades-long journey. For them, it had seemed ages since they had been with her. Such are the progressions of life.

Now we are headed full tilt boogie into the season, a freefalling feeding frenzy of frenetic festivities until we greet a new year; let us look at a couple of events that are part and parcel of King City’s annual glide into the year of 2024.

First is the Rec Department’s “Trunk or Treat” Halloween gathering at Salinas Valley Fairgrounds. This is a way many cities and towns have adopted to allow families to go trick-or-treating without all the walking around neighborhoods in the traditional door-to-door fashion. It has its merits in that it is surely safer for kids and probably more equitable as treats are distributed the same to every costumed participant. But I have been to this event since its inception and last year it seemed to me the wait in a long queue around the parking lot compared to the rather short time each family, or group, takes to make the rounds inside the “trunk circle” is disproportionate. Too long a wait for too short a visit. It may do the city well to look into two events with a second situated at, say, the Chalone Peaks campus thus giving more residents access with less time waiting. Just a thought.

Also, there will be the annual lighted Christmas parade sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce, where traditionally one announcer’s stand is set up at the end of the route near the plaza where food booths and Santa Claus are found. Given the number of entries in that parade, always a good many, and the audience it draws from Mildred down Broadway to the end makes possible a second stand set up on the northwest corner of Broadway and North San Lorenzo Street. As was the case last year at the Town Square stand Anahi and mom Laura will provide the Spanish announcing of entries and I’ll handle the English part.

Come November there is Thanksgiving Day, which, much to the delight of students everywhere, is set on the third Thursday of that month by an act of Congress so cannot, as can other holidays like presidential birthdays, be lumped into a three-day weekend but for purely logistical considerations is always a four-day weekend. Nice. And while the day wanes in popularity as America ages, it is still a day when people do what they can to help out their fellow humans.

Some years back in Greenfield there were free meals offered at Christmastime for those who may not have been outright homeless but were alone or low on funds and would appreciate food and fellowship. I am sure that there are those in our community who would benefit from such an event; and I do not mean just a hand-out of packaged necessities but a sit-down meal for those who want to be with others for a few hours. There is a group who dine together on a monthly basis so surely it can be done once a year for those who would avail themselves of the opportunity. And maybe toss in some entertainment just because.

Now, I have become aware through Janet down at KCCofC two such meals were planned and executed a couple decades ago and the outcome was a lot of food and not a lot of diners; in short, they fizzled. Why that was the case back then I don’t know, but today an increased population and tight budgets means far more people in far worse circumstances so maybe next year a revival of an open Thanksgiving meal is feasible.


For those questioning the whats and wherefores of the Grocery Outlet proposed for the vacant area on Broadway just east of San Antonio Drive, the main question was: When will that happen? It is in appeal process, so patience, patience.

Take care. Peace.

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King City and Greenfield columnist Steve Wilson may be reached at [email protected].


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