GONZALES — Loaves, Fishes and Computers (LFC) received a $21,000 donation from Spectrum to expand programs and utilize funds in a positive way.

LFC plans to house a series of computer-learning classes, first in Gonzales and then in the coming months in Greenfield.

The funds Spectrum is giving LFC will allow the organization to offer two workshops to parents and students in Gonzales.

The first is a parent and child workshop starting Friday, Jan. 25, from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. This workshop is intended for parents who don’t know how to use the computer. It will be held at the Gonzales Adult School and is open to 12 families that can sign up.

Also, LFC is planning to offer computer-literacy classes and aims to teach all about computers. There will be nine classes for this workshop from 6 to 8 p.m. and will focus on how to use the Chromebook computer at Gonzales Adult School. This is intended for parents only.

More classes in both areas will be coming to Gonzales and Greenfield over the next four months and into the summer.

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