The Braga Family receives the Hall of Fame Award on Oct. 1 at the 16th Annual Valley of the World Awards, presented by the National Steinbeck Center. (Courtesy of Chris Lopez)

SOLEDAD — Leaders in the local agriculture industry were honored last Saturday at the 16th Annual Valley of the World Awards, presented by the National Steinbeck Center.

The Oct. 1 ceremony took place at the Braga Family Farm in Soledad, featuring a dinner by Salinas City BBQ paired with a selection of Monterey County wines followed by the awards presentation.

The 2022 honorees were the Braga Family, who received the Hall of Fame Award; King City High School Agriculture Department and FFA, which won the Education Award; and Norm Groot, executive director of Monterey County Farm Bureau, who was presented with the Ag Leader Award.

“All of the recipients carry the desire to leave our Salinas Valley and the world a better place and have shown that through their actions,” said Monterey County Supervisor Chris Lopez, who was in attendance. “Their leadership is worth acknowledging and holding up as a model. Congratulations to all the winners.”

King City High School Agriculture Department staff and FFA students are recognized with the 2022 Education Award on Oct. 1 at the 16th Annual Valley of the World Awards. (Courtesy of Chris Lopez)
Norm Groot (right), executive director of Monterey County Farm Bureau, is presented with the Ag Leader Award on Oct. 1 at the 16th Annual Valley of the World Awards. (Courtesy of Chris Lopez)
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Ryan Cronk is the managing editor for King City Rustler and Salinas Valley Tribune, a unified publication of Greenfield News, Soledad Bee and Gonzales Tribune. He covers general news for South Monterey County and the surrounding communities.


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