George Worthy

Is it over? Can we come out yet? Have all the candidates finished telling us what we want or need or what we have to tithe to the campaign? What a long trip it has been from when they were persecuting Mr. Trump until today when it is all over. Or at least it is half time. The votes have all been tallied and the winner announced.

Don’t worry if you didn’t get to tell all the things that are bothering you. There will be another campaign before you get sleepy tonight. Somebody will probably try to invalidate this election if they didn’t get what they want.

I have a couple of reasons to be particularly happy about this election. First, I think I’m going to get my bride back. The election has been hard on me because Lorraine truly cares about the city and wants to do what will be the very best for our city.

I’m pretty happy because the signs will be coming down. The signs are OK, but to be honest they seem to be like a rose to a honey bee. Someone wants to put a sign where it doesn’t belong, and then there are the ones who don’t like this candidate or that candidate and so they go around tearing the signs down. 

Then there are the ones that place signs where they don’t belong. A lot of folks don’t realize that these signs are bought and paid for by the candidates and they are not cheap. Most citizens are aware of this and so they don’t bother to ask, they just go around acting as though the signs are theirs. Just more evidence that politics is becoming a blood sport. I always thought that politicians were of the highest caliber citizens, but they keep making me out to be wrong.

So, by the time this paper is in your hands, the city will become a little more attractive because most of the candidates will be going around taking down all their own signs. If you see any hanging on a fence or blowing in the wind, just try to ignore them and remember the names you see. Just something to remember for the next time we visit the polling place. 

I guess that the signs are not the worst thing. I mean, they are sure colorful, but they grow old quick and even quicker if the world famous “South County Wind” gets to puffing. If you see one where it shouldn’t be, take a moment and just throw it in the nearest recycling container. They sure don’t look colorful if they are in your yard.

If you did vote for someone who is on the city council or the school board or whatever was on the ticket, you now have a responsibility to attend one of the meetings that these folks will now be in charge of. They take their jobs seriously or they wouldn’t run for the position or board. It will educate you of what they do for your vote.

Winning a position on a board or council may be a boost to the morale, but it comes with a lot of responsibility. They may get some sort of stipend for giving up an evening with their family, but you can believe me they don’t come close to the minimum wage. They make decisions that may affect your life or the future of our city or the lessons that your children will have to master in order to get on with their lives.

I probably don’t have to mention this, but you know that we are also voting as to who will be leading us toward the precipice where we will either be happy with the plans they come up with or we will be looking forward to the next federal election. Of course, that is what makes our nation continue to mosey around the sun. There may be other places in the world where they try to imitate our method of governance, but there are no other countries that have been doing it for the period we have enjoyed.

Things are a little messed up because there are those who have been running around Washington for so long they forgot why they went there in the first place. They think that their idea of what is right for our country is exactly how they are running it, but just can’t seem to get it. However, by the time you read this, their way of running the country will either be the way we move in the future or they will have ruined another election.

I should mention that our city council is dealing with a pretty sticky situation even now — our Community Center. However, they are truly getting a grip on what we as a city will face. If you drive or walk down Fifth Street, you might want to glance to the south and see what is going on. The trees that hid the location of our new Community Center are gone. It is but a small step of what will be a great addition to our town. 

Of course, it will have to be paid for and guess who is going to be asked to put up some money. RIGHT! You got it right the first time. We will all be asked for help, and you will have to make the decision as to whether you truly want a Community Center. I’ll tell you one thing, the Center will have had the most extensive input from the public of any building or street or housing that has been built in Gonzales. Every faucet of the Center has been extensively examined with input from any resident that wanted to be involved. 

I hope more residents will attend city council meetings with their questions regarding anything that affects our city. 

God Bless.

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Gonzales columnist George Worthy may be reached at [email protected].


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