GREENFIELD — Greenfield Union School District (GUSD) passed out hundreds of diapers to local families in need last week.
The Sept. 14 distribution was the district’s third diaper giveaway in the past two years, during which staff can identify children ages 0 to 4 who will become future GUSD students.
“This allows us to collect children and parent information so that we can contact those families a couple years down the road once the children are ready for preschool, TK and kindergarten,” said Tony Amezcua, director of Family and Community Engagement and Pupil Services at GUSD.
The district hosts the giveaways in partnership with the Greenfield Early Learning Partnership (GELP), which consists of organizations like Door to Hope, Greenfield Recreation Department, Bright Beginnings and United Way.
“This last diaper giveaway we collected information from over 180 children,” Amezcua said. “We are hoping that we can do this again in January before our Annual TK and Kinder Resource Festival.”